Your first bleed: the initiation into your womanhood

When I was 12 years old and got my first bleed, my mom did something that changed the trajectory of my womanhood.

I was scared, worried, embarrassed, and anxious. How would I go swimming? Is it going to hurt? How long would it last? Everyone is going to know! My inner thoughts were angsty and understandable, but my wonderful mom celebrated me.

She bought me a card and gift, congratulating me on my womanhood. She welcomed me into this new shift and season. She assured me there was nothing to fear. She taught me how to take care of myself and how to pack a purse with what I might need when out with friends or away at school. There was no shame, no detesting, no grief. It was a celebration and an invitation she extended toward me into womanhood.

She brought me different types of pads to see which I liked best. She modeled what confidence and acceptance of what my body was doing looked like. She kept an open door to discussing any and everything about my body that I might have questions about, and she did it without a hint of shame or hesitation.

I wholeheartedly believe this shifted the trajectory of how I would view my body, my womb, my cycle, fertility, and distinct female biology.

I believe the attitudes and beliefs we carry about ourselves impact how we feel as women in our childbearing years. How could it be that many women are conditioned to detest and resent their cycles and then are scared of being pregnant? Are you terrified of giving birth? Believe their body is broken? Or do you think pregnancy is a disease?

I touch on these topics I my wholistic birth education course, a 4 week invitation into learning birth (and really your feminine physiology) and teaching you how to prepare for birth and postpartum by nurturing your mind, body, and spirit.

Few, if any, experiences in a woman’s life are as transformative as giving birth. This is why I encourage women to take radical responsibility for choosing their preferences, educating themselves, and preparing for this transition with confidence and wisdom.

You can read more about my course here 🙏🕊️ I take 2-4 women a month, depending on the desired frequency of meetings and whether you’d like group calls or one-on-one support.

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Honoring the sacred birth of you