What you should know about infant circumcision

If intense emotions arise while reading these slides, stop to consider the following:

No other country in the world does this at the rates America does without religious reasoning. This is a cultural practice, based on aesthetic preference, not medical necessity.

We are removing a part of infant boys purely based on looks, without regard for pain, consent, discomfort, altered sexual function, loss of nerve endings, or potential risks and mistakes.

And yes, the body keeps the score. A conscious mind may not remember a procedure done so young, but the nervous system WILL.

Some questions to consider:

  • Why is it okay to do this to awake babies, but adults are put under / sedated who choose this?

  • In what other scenario are you okay with a stranger holding your child down and touching their genitals for cosmetic purposes

  • Have you watched an entire surgical video of the process?

  • Would you perform this on your child if equipped with the skills? Why or why not?

    If you plan to circumcise, have you committed to watching a video of the procedure to understand precisely what’s happening to your child?


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