Finding your voice in pregnancy
Hey… you don’t have to be a bystander to your birth experience. What am I talking about? This isn’t some event happening to you, it IS YOU. It is your body, your innate power as a woman, and…
While you can’t control HOW birth will unfold, you have all the authority to prepare yourself for the atmosphere of your heart and mind. You get to learn as much or as little as you want. There is so much that you do have a say in.
You have the unique chance right in this season to truly understand what your body is doing during contractions and explore ways you may want to cope with them.
You can decide who you want present at birth and communicate those desires well.
You are NOT a victim of motherhood or childbirth. It is possible to find peace with your body and truly be transformed - for the better - from your birth experience.
You were never made to do this alone. It may feel scary to suggest you go without the epidural or decide at the last minute if it IS something you want. That’s why doulas like me do what we do. I don’t want you to make these choices alone, or without all the information you would like.
Ready to take that next step? I work with moms every day to help them make decisions about their birth experiences, answer questions, and tune into their inner voice, their God-given intuition.
📍Whether you’re in Texas (like me) or across the country (or world!) I’m eager to help you switch from panic to peace. IT IS POSSIBLE.
Finally, if there’s anything I want you to know about birth, it is this… you don’t have to go through the assembly line of terror, anxiety, and fear so many of us have heard about all our lives. There is MORE! XOXO, Lauren
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